EMTprep is the ultimate one-stop study resource for the NREMT exam used by EMTs and Paramedics since 2009.
We offer unlimited practice tests, thousands of flashcards, comprehensive study tools, and real-time results.
EMT-CE helps EMTs and Paramedics recertify their state and national EMS licenses.
We offer CAPCE-accredited F3 CE courses and NREMT-approved F5 refresher courses.
Filled with comprehensive study tools, practice tests, study guides, and more, CMAreview is here to help you prepare for your medical assistant exam AND the transition from classroom to the medical office.
Created in 2008, at a coffee shop in Austin, Texas by two native Oregonians, Classward, got its start with the website EMTprep.com. A successful and easier way to study, combining technology and old-fashioned learning techniques was born.
In the years since, Classward has introduced two industry-leading test preparation websites, mobile applications, and continues to adapt to how students effectively learn.
At Classward, our mission is to use the latest technologies and software to set new standards in the education field. We adapt to how students learn in today’s world and make it easier for instructors to engage their class. We invite technology into the classroom to serve as an aid and an enhancement, never a distraction. Easier said than done... but the pursuit of this vision is what drives our work.
Steve holds a Master’s in Education from Western Oregon University with an emphasis in information technology and instructional design.
A 17-year veteran of the fire service, Steve earned his Paramedic degree from Oregon Health Science University and now works in Oregon’s Willamette Valley as a Lieutenant/Paramedic.
Steve is focused creating new ways to incorporate technology into education and ensuring that all of Classward’s products serve its students’ unique needs.
Bryan holds an MBA from Willamette University and has used that experience to develop Classward into an industry-leader in online test preparation and continuing education.
He has worked in healthcare since 2002 when first becoming an EMT and serving a small rural community.
He went on to earn his paramedic degree from Oregon Health Science University and worked as a Lieutenant/Paramedic for one of the largest fire departments in Oregon. He strives to make education accessible and relevant to today’s evolving learner.
Dr. Selbak completed his undergrad at Portland State University and then graduated with a Doctorate of Medicine from Oregon Health & Science University (OHSU). Dr. Selbak completed his residency at OHSU as well, serving as chief resident in his final year of residency.
Dr. Selbak currently works as an Instructor of Emergency Medicine at OHSU’s School of Medicine. Dr. Selbak completed a Clinical Ultrasound Fellowship and is actively seeking ways to integrate that technology into EMS.
Feel free to reach out with any questions about our e-learning platforms or if you have
a new market for our platforms to dive into.
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Classward, LLC. All Rights Reserved.